Wholesale Customer Service

We are available 7 days a week. Our goal is to ensure Happy Dogs & Happy Humans - which is the real bottom line of what we all do. Answers about a specific dog situation will always be focused on The Best Interest Of The Dog.

- Email us from our Contact Page Here
- Email us directly at 
- Call Us at 413.496.3005 from 7am-9pm EST. If we are walking the dogs (we do that!) or if it is after hours, please leave a message.

Each Customer Service person has years of experience working at Walk Your Dog With Love. They also have worked in other areas of the company (e.g. Production, Shipping, E-commerce, Accounts, etc.) so they have a deep base of company knowledge and information to draw on. Customer Service also has direct access to every department, including the owner, so they can 'Get Things Done'.

Additionally, because we work shoulder-to-shoulder with Trainers, Vets, Shelters, Rehab Specialists, Dog Walkers and other Dog Professionals, we have extensive and unique insight into more than ‘just’ our products.

In addition to contacting us directly, feel free to use these other Customer Service tools:
Direct Customer Support: This means that we are happy to work with your customers directly for answers, solutions and even for final resolutions. This lets you focus on what you do best while we do what we do best. Your customer can contact us directly through our Customer Contact page here https://walkyourdogwithlove.com/contactus or call us at 413.496.3005 from 7am-9pm EST.

Guided Self Help for you and your customers. So you don’t have to re-invent the wheel, we have lots of ‘do it yourself’ information to resolve issues. The most most popular tool is our Top 6 Harness Issues and How To Easily Resolve Them. This link will bring you to information that will  help work-out 98% of customer issues. It is laid out so that you can either
    - provide the info to your customers (just cut and paste the information into your own email), or
    - simply send your customers directly to the source material (email your customers the link to the information), and to our assistance.

We are the Walk Your Dog With Love experts; you don't have to be. 

Other Tools For both pre- and post-sales questions, we have scores of other tools (knowledge base content, graphics, info-links) you can use while crafting a response to your customers. You will also find answers to a lot of technical and unique-use questions. Since our start in 2006 we have sold hundreds of thousands of harnesses, so the chances are good that we have The Answer to most every question … or at least a pretty good idea about how to answer it.



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