Guarantee & Service

Our wholesale guarantee is simple and old fashioned: We know you’ll make every effort to satisfy your customer; we’ll do the same with you.

  • The Customer Service team has direct access to the entire company (Production, Shipping, Accounting, and the owner) to get things done and to solve issues.
  • We’re here to provide support, guidance and our expertise on all things Walk Your Dog With Love. And because we work shoulder-to-shoulder with Trainers, Vets, Shelters, Rehab Specialists, Dog Walkers and other Dog Professionals, we also have extensive and unique insight into more than ‘just’ our products that we can share with you.

Our goal is To Act In The Best Interest of Dog. And You. And Your Customer.

Working with Your customers
We encourage you to maintain your relationship with your customers by resolving issues directly with them based on your policies and procedures.

  • Most customer issues are ‘standard’ and easy to resolve on your own - click and see The Top 6 Issues and How To Resolve Them.
  • Your customers are also welcome to contact us directly. That conversation should start by directing them to the Retail Guarantee page which also includes our contact info. We will take it from there. Here is that link https://walkyourdogwithlove.com/snouttotail
  • As the Retail Guarantee notes, there are millions of humans, with millions of dogs, in millions of situations. Our gear isn’t designed to meet the myriad of situations humans want it to solve. With that said, if you have a unique situation, we are likely to have heard of it and be able to help. While you’re an expert in your field, you’re not expected to know every nuance of our dog harnesses and gear.

WHOLESALE Customer Service Contact:
-Email us from our Contact Page Here
-Email us directly at
-Call Us at 413.496.3005 from 7am-9pm EST. If we are walking the dogs (we do that!) or if it is after hours, please leave a message.



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